In relation to the field of art, nanotechnology can be seen through the incorporation of minerals/metals within paints or sculpture to create unique effects. This is because on the nano scale, many materials behave differently. When incorporated into glass, gold and silver nano particles catch the light in different ways and make the light passing through a different color. To take this a step further with silver, if incorporated into glass cups, a darker liquid will cause the cup to glow a bluish hue and give the glass an opaque appearance.

Lotus leaves have the ability to reject water from seeping into the surface, a quality known as hydrophobia. This property which works as a water deterrent helps the leaves sit on top of the water as lily pads. Furthermore, companies have created nanotechnologies that also have this ability and have applied it to clothing. Clothing can go beyond water repellent to having ketchup slide clean of the surface too. Fashion possibilities extend far beyond keeping clothes clean.
Admin. "Invest in Nanotechnology" Article. 21 Oct. 2011. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
"The Science of Stained Glass" PowerPoint. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC). NISE Network. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
Uconlineprogram. "Nanotech Jim Pt3" Online Video Clip. Youtube. Youtube, 21 May. 2012. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
"Nanotechnology" Blog. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
"Richard Feynman (1918-1988)" Article. AJ Media and Software 1988-2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
I really enjoyed your post. I have been curious about Feynman for a few years now and what you wrote about him bearing into the possibility of nanotechnology just deepened my interest. It was also interesting how you brought the idea of nanotechnology into that of the fashion world-I had not thought of the connection before reading this! The fashion world is such an overlooked (even by me!) source of artistic creativity and I am glad to see that there is a connection to be made here.
ReplyDeleteLastly, what you were saying about glass infused with silver/gold was interesting. Its just like the connection to fashion, I did not see the connection before!